Kevin The Cube But It's a FNF Mod -

Kevin The Cube But It’s a FNF Mod

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Oh nah Kevin the cube from Fortnite? Wanna make it a friday night funkin mod?

This friday night funkin upload contains one of the songs from the kevin the cube fnf concept mod. This lead me to making an fnf interpretation of the twitter argument video. The way i went along with this interpretation was kinda like the Peter smokes crack where he has a classic twitter argument.

Also apparently the new VS Whitty – Definitive Edition has been leaked out which im really excited about which also has this new character called julian which is really cool. The same Online VS Edd, Tord and Uberkids from Pico’s School or Eddsworld whichever one you’d consider.

Now that i think about it i should really get around to playing those songs.
This reminds me alot of the fortnite whitty chug jug with you stuff i made, way back. What if ialso made a one out of midas? Let me know in the comments.

Thank you for all the support!

COOL 3D INTRO made by Tehzo:

Audio from Scaneade1:

Inspired by Mayokiddo:

#FNF #FridayNightFunkin

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