Friday Night Funkin’ VS Void 2.0 FULL WEEK 1-2 + Cutscenes & Ending (FNF Mod) (Epic Music/Songs)
StarbreakMusic – Created the Mod & Music: (Official OST)
Void Week 2 is finally here! It took about 10 months for an update. So basically in this update we got week 2, and they enhaced week 1 environment and revamp the story so you’ll see some changes in the cutscenes, but the songs in week 1 remains the same, but they were awesome to listen to it again. This guy really knows how to make epic music. This guy look like he’ll fit in right in with Solazar, Aldryx, Agoti and Nikusa. We’ll be playing Vs Void on very hard mode for all VS Void songs. (I disable miss sound effect so music will play out all perfect)
Game Note: Meet A.C. Void, a cosmic pop star with an ego as massive as a black hole. (Don’t ask him what A.C. stands for, he’ll never let anyone know.) Void has heard of your recent musical victories (namely against Daddy Dearest) and despising any competition, he’s challenged you to perform against him at his next concert! He can’t be as tough as he thinks he is, but be careful. He hasn’t garnered galaxy-wide fame for nothing, and there may be something dark under that smug exterior… Explore more of Void’s character and see what happens once the stage lights turn off…
Friday Night Funkin’ – Vs Void (V2 UPDATE!!) Mod Download:
This mod includes:
-5 new songs
-Completely new dialogue cutscenes!
-Alt animations mid-song animations!
-All the quality of life features of the one and only KadeEngine!
-A snazzy title theme remix!
-And more!
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Void V2 FULL WEEK Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Animation Preview
00:23 Void Intro
00:33 Title Screen
00:42 Menu
00:47 Week List
00:56Animation 1
01:07 Cutscenes 1
01:42 Asteroids Song
03:34 Cutscenes 2
04:23 Weightless Song
04:32 Winks at You
06:17 Cutscenes 3
07:29 Event Horizon Song
10:12 Ending
10:41 Animation 2
10:54 Cutscenes 4
12:46 Ultraviolet Song
15:42 Cutscenes 5
17:31 Gravity Song
20:10 Break glass
20:22 Finger Snap
22:03 Animation 3 (Transformation)
22:30 Cutscenes 6
23:55 Singularity Song
24:36 Becomes Stronger
26:48 What is that move?!
27:25 Void Gets Defeated
27:44 True Ending
28:12 Thank You Art
28:28 Cat Pic
28:37 Security Song
31:18 How to Access Secret Song
31:34 Click down once below Security for the stardust song and hit enter
31:39 Stardust Song
35:07 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Void 2.0 FULL WEEK below
VS Void 2.0 FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
Starbreak – Programming, Art/Animation, Music, Charting
TheNikwell – Creative Help/Dialogue Help:
Slinkous – Coding Help:
1up – “Thanks for playing” Art:
Zapsplat.com – Sound Effects:
KadeDeveloper – Made KadeEngine:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD by CommunityGame (2022)
#FridayNightFunkin #VsVoid #Void #FnF #CommunityGame