Friday Night Funkin' VS Slendytubbies FULL WEEK + Cutscenes (FNF Mod) (Tinky Winky) Scary Horror Mod -

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Slendytubbies FULL WEEK + Cutscenes (FNF Mod) (Tinky Winky) Scary Horror Mod

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Slendytubbies for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we battle Slendytubbies, TinkyWinky and Laa Laa, but Po and Dipsy are nowhere to be seen. We are actually playing 2 different Slendytubbies fnf horror mods. The first one is called Slendytubbies Funkin and the 2nd one is called FNF. Slendytubbies Mod – VS. Tinky Winky.

The first one has animated cutscenes animation, 4 new songs with 2 enemies being Tinky Winky in week T and Laa-Laa in week L. There’s also a death note mechanic in the 3rd song that’ll make you’ll face jumpscares and hallucinations once hit from the Slendytubbies.
As you keep on pressing it you’ll eventually die. This battle against the Slendytubbies is amazing!

Game Note for Slendytubbies Funkin: You are welcomed by the world of Slendytubbies you should be met by 4 friends Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, and Po Hmm… where are they?.. Oh, and here’s Tinky Winky… But here he is only you and one and will meet

Game Note for FNF. Slendytubbies Mod – VS. Tinky Winky: Boyfriend and Girlfriend are wandering through the forest (with mic and speakers on-hand, of course.) when they stumble across a bowl of mysterious food. When they go to pick it up, a creature appears behind them..
So obviously you rap battle it.

This mod is just as good as Slendytubbies 3, I wonder if there will be a Slendytubbies 4 someday. We’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all Slendytubbies Phase songs. Will Boyfriend & Girlfriend be able to get out of here alive or will bf and gf lose to the creepypasta Slendytubbies?

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Slendytubbies Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Slendytubbies Animation Preview
00:16 Slendytubbies Funkin Intro
00:32 Menu
00:45 Song List
00:58 Week T: VS TinkyWinky
01:09 Cutscenes Animation 1
01:40 Rage Song (Tinky Winky vs BF & GF)
03:43 Creepy Song (Tinky Winky vs BF)
05:30 Cutscenes Animation 2
05:43 Shock Song (Tinky Winky vs BF)
07:45 Week L: VS Laa-Laa
08:00 Jumpscare Song (Laa-Laa VS Boyfriend)
10:41 Tutorial
11:04 Game Over Animation
10:51 What happens if you hit Trap notes?
11:20 8 Keys Slendytubbies Mod – VS. Tinky Winky
12:53 CommunityGame Outro

Mod Creators for VS Friday Night Funkin’ Slendytubbies Funkin below
VS Friday Night Funkin’ Slendytubbies Funkin (+ Cutscenes) Mod Download link:

GODOINED – Creator:

Ramli – Musician:

Cap – Musician:

Buse – Musician:

Creators of the FNF. Slendytubbies Mod – VS. Tinky Winky Mod:
bonespook – Creator/Programmer/Charter

comic – Artist/Animator:

Dee_Dae – Musician:

FNF Mods Playlist:

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