Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Sans & Papyrus FULL WEEK + Cutscenes (FNF Ft. Sans Mod) (FNF Mod/Undertale)
Daniztic – Director:
In this story, Boyfriend & Girlfriend enters Undertale by opening an odd door in an odd alleyway, BF & GF seemed to have found their way inside a weird bar. Sans walks in and sees BF and as usual BF asked Sans for a rap battle, but Sans only agree to it only if he pays his tabs if Sans wins the rap battle. The whole mod here is so amazing from start to finish, even the pause menu had like a banger music track. The whole UI was so cool to look at and so much more. I kind of wish to see these mod creators make a song for Chara, Frisk, Asriel, Toriel, and Flowey. That’ll be so cool. Idk what they’re planning for the future, but whatever it is, it’s gonna be so epic.
We’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS FNF Ft. Sans songs.This Undertale mod has 6 songs available in this mod, epic cutscenes, and 2 week along with a game over scene.
VS Friday Night Funkin’ Ft. Sans Mod Download link:
Game Note: Oh no! After finding an odd door in an odd alleyway, you seemed to have found your way inside a weird bar filled with funny-looking monsters, and by simply trying to hang around with your girlfriend, now the infamous lazy, funny skeleton, Sans, is calling you for a rap battle to see who will close up the bill for tonight, are you able to win off the skeleton and finally get him to pay for his crippling debt, or will you lose and have to pay you and your girl’s drinks like a normal human being?
This mod includes a custom tutorial, a full week with 4 songs in total, new mechanics, almost completely new visuals, including new menus, and, keeping this between us, might even have some secrets for you to have a taste of what we have in store, but promise you won’t tell anyone I told ya that! Just a little tip in case you’re still reading this, it’s recommended you play this in windowed mode, for… well, you’ll see if you download our mod
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Sans & Papyrus Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:14 Message
00:29 Title Screen
00:41 Menu
00:56 All Weeks
01:08 Prologue Song (New GF Voice)
02:22 Opening Animation
02:45 Cutscenes 1
03:25 On-Break Song (VS Sans)
04:55 Cutscenes 2
05:24 Layback Song (VS Sans)
07:14 Promise Song (VS Sans)
09:16 What’s Wrong Sans?
10:14 Cutscenes 3
11:12 Puzzling Song (VS Papyrus)
14:08 Access Secret Song
14:15 Ominous Song (VS Prunsel)
16:23 Freeplay Songs
16:40 Credit
16:49 Pressing on All Menu Selection
17:07 Pause Menu Theme
18:04 Full Game Over Theme
18:50 Prunsel Game Over
19:03 Prunsel Pause Menu
19:14 Mechanic + Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS FNF Undertale | Ft. Sans below
VS Ft. Sans FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
Daniztic – Director, Main Artist and Editor:
Tio Sans – Director, Composer, Misc. Artist:
Bwena – Main Musician:
ShiftyTMHD4KREA – Musician:
LoWTecH123 – Musician and Misc. Artist:
Gazozoz – Main Programmer, Animator and Charter:
MrCaiomecar – Programmer and Menu Designer:
PheSpriter – Animator, Charter e Editor:
seeksstuff – Cutscene Animator and Misc. Musician:
Rodrigo Faro – Ele gosta:
Toby Fox – Created Undertale:
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:
Friday Night Funkin’ – WEEK 7 All Tankman Death Quotes:
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FNF VS Indie Cross V1 FULL WEEK + Cutscenes & Ending (Cuphead Sans Bendy)
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2022)
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