Friday Night Funkin' VS Jeff The Killer x Slenderman x Pokemon FULL WEEK (FNF Mod) (Trepidation V1) -

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Jeff The Killer x Slenderman x Pokemon FULL WEEK (FNF Mod) (Trepidation V1)

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Jeff The Killer x Slenderman x Pokemon the Lost Silver FULL WEEK for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. The full title of the game mod is called Friday Night Trepidation and this mod is HUGE! And the FNF animations are so good. In each week we battle a different creepypasta character! Just in time for Spooky Month!

Week 1 we face against Jeff The Killer
Week 2 we face against Slenderman
Week 3 we enter into a Gameboy pokemon game, the Lost Silver. It wasn’t lavender town, my bad.

This mod was once called the Friday Night Slashing, but it ended up getting an expansion update that includes more vs creepypasta characters, but this still isn’t the full game. There will be another update which I think includes minecraft herobrine and many more characters. You can see a sneak preview if you beat all of the weeks. Wow this mod has so much content it’s insane and a lot of cool animations.

We will play Friday Night Trepidation all songs on very hard difficulty. Will BF and GF be able to escape these creepypasta-killing sprees or will boyfriend and girlfriend get caught?

Old Game Note: You are battling one of the most creepypasta characters in a…rap battle? Battle Jeff The Killer in a custom rap battle consisting of 3 levels! Cutscenes – Low Priority Custom death for bf – Low priority Main Menu Music – Low Priority

New Game Note: Enter the jeff the killer expansion update! This new and improved mod features, the opponent, Jeff himself, and 2 new characters along with 10 BANGER songs! This mod is based on 3 creepypastas. Don’t forget about this mod just yet because we have so much more in store!

I beat every song except Endless Nightmare. In the video, it looked like I beat it but that’s because I disable Jeff’s kitchen knives, but I showed what it looked like at the end. In order to beat it, you must hit the tip of the knife, but if you do that then it’ll take away 99% of your health. If you lose to Jeff the game will crash on you, and then you’re forced to load up the game again and restart the whole week so you only get 1 try.

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Friday Night Trepidation Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Animation Preview
00:20 Friday Night Trepidation Intro
00:36 Menu
Week 1 / J
01:01 Animation 1
01:16 SDAMOS Song (Jeff The Killer Vs BF)
03:38 Animation 2
03:44 Sleeping Tragedies Song
06:06 Endless Sleep Song
07:37 Animation 3
07:58 Endless Nightmare Song
10:57 Animation 4 (Jumpscare)
Week 2 / S
11:25 Animation 5
11:41 Slender Song (Slenderman vs BF)
13:21 White Noise Song
Week 3 / G
15:14 Animation 6
15:38 Cutscenes Dialogue 1 (Which pokemon game is this?)
16:15 Lost Soul Song (Pokemon Trainer vs BF)
17:20 Cutscenes Dialogue 2
17:56 Uncertain Demise Song
19:01 Cutscenes Dialogue 3
19:36 Beyond Death Song
20:46 Animation 7 (Ending)
21:18 Teaser Update (Can you guess who they are?)
21:38 Song List / Freeplay
21:57 Placeholder Song
24:13 All Game Over Animation
25:12 What happens if you touch
26:13 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Friday Night Trepidation below
VS Friday Night Trepidation FULL WEEK (+ Cutscenes) Mod Download link:

El Taco:
Nonexistent Anomaly – Musician:

CallMePotassium – additional music help:

TheNothingMonster – Background Art:

Spelo – coding help:

MrFlamin – Being cool:

Kadedev – Kade Engine:

Get the game and support the creators of the game:

Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:

Friday Night Funkin’ – WEEK 7 All Tankman Death Quotes:

Friday Night Funkin’ Pico’s School Edition

FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’ Full Game, but The Mom Sings it:

Shaggy 2.0 Vs. Shaggy Remastered:

Friday Night Funkin’ VS Slenderman FULL WEEK

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #Creepypasta #VsJeffTheKiller #JeffTheKiller #Slenderman #FnF #CommunityGame