Friday Night Funkin' Vs Dusttale Remastered + Cutscenes (FNF Mod) Undertale GENOCIDE/PACIFIST Ending -

Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Dusttale Remastered + Cutscenes (FNF Mod) Undertale GENOCIDE/PACIFIST Ending

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Dusttale Remastered Full Week + Cutscenes for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time Dusttale joins FNF and we battle Sans Remastered, Chara Remastered, & Papyrus Remastered. Now don’t freak out, this Chara won’t look anything like Fanon Chara. Well, Dusttale came out a few months ago, but the one we are playing is an epic remastered. You can find the old version on WassabiSoja channel.

We’ll be playing it on very hard mode for all VS Dusttale Remastered songs. Dusttale has 1 song available in this mod, animated cutscenes, and 1 week.

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Dusttale Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Dusttale Remastered Animation Preview
00:26 Intro
00:52 Menu
01:07 Opening Cutscene
02:37 Animation 1
02:58 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
03:31 The Murderer Song (Sans VS BF)
06:28 Animation 2
07:10 Cutscenes Dialogue 2
07:21 Red Megalovania Song (Sans VS BF)
10:14 Cutscenes Dialogue 3
10:33 Drowning Song (Sans VS BF)
12:49 Animation 3
13:02 Animation 4
13:24 Cutscenes Dialogue 4
13:44 Psychotic Breakdown Song (Sans VS BF)
16:17 Cutscenes Dialogue 5
16:48 D.I.E Song (Sans VS BF)
19:58 Animation 5
20:16 Cutscenes Dialogue 6
20:45 Anthropophobia Song (Genocide Route)
23:16 Animation 6 (Genocide Route)
23:46 Hallucinations (Papyrus VS BF)
26:06 Genocide Ending
26:12 Anthropophobia Song (Pacifist Route)
26:49 Animation 7 (Pacifist Route)
27:00 Last Hope Song (Chara Vs BF
28:56 Pacifist Ending
29:08 Song List
29:17 Reality Check (Sans VS BF)
34:16 Wounded Shooting (Sans vs Pico)
36:33 Game Over Animation
37:10 Outro

Mod Creators for VS Dusttale Remastered below
VS Dusttale Remastered FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:

Mod Credits:
WassabiSoja – Owner of Mod:

StampS: Coding help, cool guy:

Hexar: Dialogue and some bug fixes:

IceyDuNoir: Drowning, Psychotic-breakdown, Hallucinations, Last-hope, Main-menu-theme, Death-theme:

Nathan S.: The murderer, Red-Megalovania, Reality-Check:

Lemonemy: D.I.E, Anthropophobia:

WassabiSoja – Cutscenes, sans sprites and animations, chara-bf sprites and animations, chara animations, menu sprites and animations, logo, chara animations:

Daralynarts – Cutscenes:

HLoSans – In game backgrounds (snowdin-cave, waterfall, judgement-hall):

Samuel Pastel: Papyrus assets and animations, chara icons:

Korean Nooby: Cutscenes, thumbnails, chara assets, undyne assets:

EEF: Gaster Blaster sprite and animation helper:

Goobler – Main Menu dust effect, and smth more but i forgot lmao:

MrGarbage64: Pixel Intro assets

UndependableNight: Drowning, Psychotic-breakdown, D.I.E, hallucinations:

GoldSebi: Last-hope, Reality-check, Anthropophobia:

ImCuriousYT: The-murderer, Red-megalovania:

themistake: Cutscenes audio, trailer for the mod:

Jetvanic: Helping in the dialogue and story writing:

KadeDev: The engine:

Draco: Sans vocals samples:

Casey: Beeing casey:


Get the game and support the creators of the game:

Friday Night Funkin’: The Full Ass Game:
Friday Night Funkin’ – WEEK 7 All Tankman Death Quotes:

Friday Night Funkin’ Pico’s School Edition

Shaggy 2.0 Vs. Shaggy Remastered:

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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2021)
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