Friday Night Funkin' Vs Berdly | Snowgrave Ending (FNF Mod/Hard) (Deltarune Chapter 2 Mod) -

Friday Night Funkin’ Vs Berdly | Snowgrave Ending (FNF Mod/Hard) (Deltarune Chapter 2 Mod)

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Friday Night Funkin’ VS Berdly Week + Ending Cutscenes for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we battle Berdly from Deltarune Chapter 2. (I’m playing on the left side).
Humbaynoob – Director:

Berdly is a character in Deltarune, appearing as a minor character in Chapter 1 and the secondary antagonist turned ally in Chapter 2. The smugly self-proclaimed “Number 1” student in school, he is one of Kris’s classmates and early rivals, and Noelle’s study partner.

I know a lot of people Played the Leaked Kromer Konundrum Build and everyone saying is the best fnf Deltarune mod ever, but Vs Berdly directed by Humbaynoob is just as good! The music in here is what you want in an fnf mod. The only things missing are Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

Just like in the original game you can choose a route path so I’m going to purposely miss all of Kris notes to enter the Snowgrave Route and I’ll also compare the scene with the original Deltarune Chapter 2 game. We’ll be playing it on very hard mode for VS Berdly song. VS Berdly has 1 amazing song available in this mod, cool ending cutscenes, and 1 week.

Note: I disable the miss sound effect so it still plays perfectly. I’m going to purposely miss the red notes so I can see the secret ending then I’ll show the regular ending after that. It’s pretty much the same endings you see in the regular Deltarune Chapter 2 game.

Vs Berdly Mod Download Link:

Game Note: The iconic alleyway scene from Toby Fox’s hit game Deltarune has been recreated in Friday Night Funkin! Face off against Berdly himself as Kris and Noelle in this one song mod, which is a remix of Smart Race!

This demo has:
Boyfriend / BF
Girlfriend / GF

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Berdly Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:21 What if you give up?
00:28 Vs Berdly Intro
00:33 Title Screen
00:41 Menu background
00:45 Week / Song List
00:52 BirdBrain / Bird Brain Song (Kris and Noelle vs Berdly)
02:23 Snowgrave Ending
02:32 Berdly Dies Comparsion (OG vs Mod)
02:49 Regular Ending
03:04 Credits
03:23 Outro – CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Berdly below
VS Berdly FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:

humbaynoob – Artist:

TaeSkull – Birdbrain:

Orbyy – Berdly and Noelle Parts:

aus_si – Kris Parts:

Taeyai – Coder:

BreezyMelee – Coder:

Ristretto Depresso Espresso – Coder:

Clowfoe – Finalized the build:

Binounoliky – Chromatic Editor:

Smol – Noelle Chromatic:

RecD – Berdly Voice:

Special Thanks





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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2021)
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