Friday Night Funkin’ Vocal Catastrophe – Blur | Sonic Identity Crisis | Loses His Mind (FNF Mod)
DTMcFries – Creator:
This kind of reminds me of the Sonic lost my mind mod where he freaks out and then transforms into Xain and I think fleetway too if I’m not mistaken, of course, both of those mods are inspired by Chaos Nightmare Phantasm directed by Garbo. Make sure to read the lore of the mod or else things might start to get confusing. This mod rocks. Will Sonic be able to break free or will he continue to have an Identity Crisis? Let’s find out.
FNF: Vocal Catastrophe, Sonic vs His other selves Download:
Game Note: On the way to defeating Eggman once again, Sonic stumbled upon these mirrors, nothing out of the ordinary, until he starts seeing and hearing figures of him, which catches him off guard and defenseless. Deep into Sonic’s mind, he’s now going through an identity crisis among the many Sonics out there. These voices are trying to get the best of Sonic’s sanity by imitating the ‘real Sonic’. Sonic now has to concentrate and prevent these alter egos from getting out and taking over. With no help in sight.
Game Note 2: This mod is inspired by the one-shot Sonic mods such as Below the depths, Phantom Attack, and Chaos Nightmare created by other devs in the FNF community! This mod was created with no more intentions than just to create a mod w/ friends, making the idea possible and putting it out there in the community, and feeling accomplished to have something done, as well as hoping people would be inspired by this mod, this mod was made possible by 3 guys with having limitations from time to time, so enjoy FNF: Vocal Catastrophe!
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin’ VS Sonic Identity Crisis Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Game Over Animation
00:20 Lore
00:38 Title Screen
00:50 Menu | All Animated Arts
01:28 1) Blur Song (Sonic)
01:40 Dialogue 1
02:00 Wooo!
02:10 Yeah!
02:22 Dialogue 2
02:30 Cool!
02:36 Dialogue 3
03:06 Dialogue 4
03:33 Uh Meow?
03:47 Sega!
04:07 Cmon!
04:14 NOOO! (Ice Cap Zone)
04:41 Nani?
05:04 Unlocked Extras
05:15 Concept Arts
07:27 Credit
07:31 Option – Idle Animation
07:54 Game Over Animation 1
08:23 Game Over Animation 2
08:42 Game Over Animation 3
08:58 Game Over Animation 4
09:14 Game Over Animation 5
09:27 Game Over Animation 6
09:48 Outro – CommunityGame
Mod Creators for Sonic Vocal Catastrophe below:
Vocal Catastrophe Mod Download:
DTMcFries – Creator, Artist, Composer:
Rivu – Programmer:
PoikFox – Charter, Guest Composer, Emotional Support:
8ailey – Emotional Support:
notFrost – Emotional Support:
StarZilla10 – Beta Tester, Feat. Artist:
GARBIE PATTIE – Feat. Artist:
dxnte_ – Beta Tester, Feat. Artist:
Team Horizon – Support, Spectator:
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Friday Night Funkin’ gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2022)
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